VP Racing
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We currently do not have the ability to display stock availability on our website. We are working on a solution, however in the meantime if you need to be sure of stock before purchasing your product, please be sure to contact us to confirm availability!
VP Speed Sauce™ is a proprietary water-methanol injection fluid that helps control detonation and can increase horsepower and torque with proper tuning.
Speed Sauce water-methanol mix comes premixed, so it’s ready to use straight from the bottle. Another key point is that it’s relatively non-corrosive in certain circumstances. For instance, it won’t damage your vehicle’s paint if it spills or drips on the body of your car
or truck.
For diesel applications, our water-methanol injection fluid provides both increased power and lowers exhaust gas temperatures, allowing for safer towing
No claims are made with regard to the legality of using any parts supplied by Cherry Tuning Pty. Ltd.
Parts are supplied for off-road use only and it is the responsibility of the customer to confirm with their local government regarding the legality of installing any parts for road use.